Hollaway Highlights

Ally Altemose

Recent Posts

Navigating Regulatory Challenges: A Case Study in Adaptive Solutions

In the dynamic landscape of environmental regulations, adaptability is key to overcoming challenges. The aftermath of the Sackett v EPA decision in May 2023 exemplified this truth, posing significant hurdles for our clients. The ripple effects were felt deeply, with projects stalling as Approved Jurisdictional Determination (AJD) requests languished CONTINUE READING

Dredging Up Clarity: Analyzing the Sackett v. EPA Supreme Court Verdict

As trusted partners to our many clients, Hollaway Environmental + Communications Services, Inc. is keeping a close watch on federal court decisions and any new developments regarding the Clean Water Act so we can expertly help our clients navigate the perpetually muddy regulatory waters. CONTINUE READING

Team Spotlight Blog: Meet Hollaway's Director of Environmental Services, Ally Altemose

At Hollaway Environmental + Communications Services, Inc., we are privileged to have Ally Altemose as our Director of Environmental Services. With a wealth of experience and expertise, Ally leads a team of highly qualified scientists, guiding them through the intricate realm of environmental practices. Renowned in her industry as a proficient botanist, CONTINUE READING