Hollaway Highlights

Virtual Meetings: The New Normal?

Written by The Hollaway Team | December 10, 2020 5:19:56 PM Z

Due to the changes from COVID-19, workplaces must adapt to turn virtual meetings into a real experience.

Has the virtual lifestyle become the “new normal?” With all the changes brought on by COVID-19, even the sound of the doorbell has a new meaning: welcome to the virtual meeting! COVID-19 has significantly impacted how Hollaway Environmental and Communications conducts public outreach and engagement.

An example of public meetings coordinated by Hollaway before Covid-19.


In previous years, it was rare to host a public meeting in a virtual environment. The traditional approach to public meetings included attending the event in person, then summarizing the goals, objectives, and outcomes from the meeting for later distribution through channels like formal letters or newspaper announcements. Since the public’s involvement is vital to the success of our clients’ projects, Hollaway has taken on the unique challenge of bringing the general public into the private world of virtual meetings.

Hollaway has embraced the “new normal” of virtual meetings and has created an online community where we can still achieve the same goals and objectives for our clients, but in a digital format. Thanks to this technology, there is no need to delay or change plans. Hollaway can customize virtual meetings to serve a variety of interests and purposes depending on the project needs. This ability to personalize the virtual meeting experience is what sets Hollaway apart.

An example of an invitation to a virtual public meeting held in 2020. 

Our clients and the general public have had high levels of participation in our virtual events, and this adds value for all attendees. Meeting objectives can be set, and outcomes can be measured and accomplished successfully in the “new normal” of virtual meetings.

Hollaway has worked tirelessly to put together effective and productive public meetings in this COVID-19 world. Since no two projects are alike, Hollaway offers various options for meeting times and formats, all of which can be customized to suit our clients and any required public outreach.

An example of a virtual public meeting hosted by the Hollaway team. 

 Our recent meetings were held using Zoom and WebEx platforms and were met with positive feedback from attendees and our clients. Since March 2020, Hollaway has hosted more than 30 virtual public meetings and workshops for our clients. Hollaway has also used nontraditional media outlets to reach a broader audience to advertise upcoming public meetings and to invite the public to attend.

By combining multiple digital channels, resources, and platforms, Hollaway has successfully turned the virtual meeting into a real, tangible experience for all those involved.

Hollaway is here to make your next virtual meeting a success. While restrictions on public gatherings may continue into the next year, know that we are ready to help make your project successful in every way and we hope you think of our services for your upcoming projects. Hollaway is effectively making technology work with us and for us. Let the professionals at Hollaway help you as we all continue to strive forward in this new virtual world.