The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) just released the Nationwide Permits (NWP) with revisions to 12 existing NWPs and 4 brand new NWPs. These permits go into effect March 15, 2021. The new NWPs also includes 32 general conditions that will also apply to the permits.
NWPs enable the authorization of development projects in Waters of the United States (WOUS), including wetlands that have minimal environmental impacts. If additional impacts are anticipated, a Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) may be required. The benefits of the NWP include decreased review and processing times. Having the NWP can allow your project to begin more quickly. These NWPs are usually modified every five years, so the USACE is right on track. The one snag of NWPs is that it is the applicant’s responsibility to remain informed of changes, modifications, or revoked NWPs. However, fear not, as Hollaway will help you keep informed and keep your projects moving forward!
If you have any of the following NWP and have not completed the authorized work in jurisdictional WOUS (including wetlands), you may require a new permit authorization. The following permits have been modified and/or created:
You can read more about the revisions here.
If you are looking to obtain a new NWP or are uncertain if your project qualifies for these modifications, Hollaway Environmental Regulatory Specialists can help answer your questions and keep you informed!